Using an SD memory card as internal memory
Before setting up, transfer all important data from your memory card: in the process it will be fully formatted.
Further actions will look as follows (instead of the first two points, you can click on "Configure" in the notification that a new SD card has been detected, if you just installed it and such a notification is displayed):
Go to Settings — Storage and click on SD card (On some devices, the drive settings item may be located in the "Advanced" section).
In the menu (button in the upper right), select Tune . If the menu contains an item Inner memory , immediately click on it and skip step 3.
Click Inner memory .
Read the warning that all data from the card will be deleted before it can be used as internal memory, click "Clear and format."
Wait for the formatting process to complete.
If at the end of the process you see a message SD card is slow , it means that you are using a memory card Class 4, 6 and similar - i.e. really slow. It can be used as internal memory, but this will affect the speed of your Android phone or tablet (such memory cards can work up to 10 times slower than regular internal memory). Memory cards recommended UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) .
After formatting, you will be prompted to transfer data to a new device, select Move now (the process is not considered completed before the transfer).
Click Done .
It is recommended that immediately after formatting the card as internal memory, restart your phone - press and hold the power button, then select Reload , and after turning it off, turn on the device again.
This completes the process: if you go to the settings «Storage» , then you will see that the space occupied in the internal memory has decreased, on the memory card it has increased, and the total amount of memory has also increased.
Features of the memory card as an Android internal memory
It can be assumed that when the size of the memory card M is attached to the Android internal memory of volume N, the total available internal memory should become equal to N + M. Moreover, approximately this is also displayed in the information about the device’s storage, but in fact everything works a little differently:
- Everything that is possible (with the exception of some applications, system updates) will be placed on the internal memory located on the SD card, without giving a choice.
- When you connect an Android device to a computer in this case, you will “see” and have access only to the internal memory on the card. The same thing is in the file managers on the device itself.
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